Ultimate Slime Kit for Girls 10-12 | Perfect Toys for Girls 7-12 Years Old | Complete DIY Slime Making Kit for Kids and Boys | Christmas Party Favors

from: Zen Laboratory

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Ultimate Slime Kit for Girls 10-12 | Perfect Toys for Girls 7-12 Years Old | Complete DIY Slime...
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Amazon.ca Product Description

  • Everything Slime All the Time - The ultimate Christmas gift for kids and tween girls gift, Slime Party Favor, Slime Making Kit with add ins galore and enough slimy stuff to keep girls, boys and kids glued to the activity for hours! It comes with over 50 different slime supplies all in one box! 18 beautifully wacky colors of crystal slime ranging from clear slime, to purple slime, 12 types of glitter, various foam beads, fishbowl beads and more!
  • Best Slime Kit - Best selling slime kit on Amazon since 2019 | Birthday Party Favors for kids 4-8, 8-12 year old girls boys | Best gift ideas for 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 year old girls, toys for 7 and 8 year old girls | toys for 6 + year old girls | girls gifts age 8-10 | craft kits for girls ages 10-12 | diy kits for girls | teenager gifts for girls | 9 year old girl gifts | 10 year old girl gift ideas
  • Glow in the Dark Slime Kit - Our jumbo slime supplies pack glows in the dark, has glitter, and all the mix in accessories needed to make your own green slime | Mix in a little, mix in a lot, or say "mix I will not!" This slime will glow in an instant!
  • Great Birthday Gifts for Girls - Slime party favors for kids 8-12, diy slime making kits for girls and slime supplies stuff that will help unleash your little one's creativity and develops their motor skills and hand-eye coordination! Teenagers will love getting messy too! Arts and crafts for girls boys are proven to be the best stress relief activity
  • Safe and Non Toxic - Made with eco-friendly material, our slime and slime containers are washable, reusable, safe and DO NOT contain borax powder. Quality-tested non-toxic formulas are 100% safe for kids and adults. ASTM certified. Recommended for children 5 and up. Do not eat.
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