Amazon Elements - Baby Wipes, Unscented, Flip-Top Packs, 480 Count (6 Packs of 80)
from: Amazon Elements
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Amazon Elements - Baby Wipes, Unscented, Flip-Top Packs, 480 Count (6 Packs of 80)
wasn't available for sale on either Amazon site (Canada or US)
Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description
- 6 flip-top packs of 80 Unscented wipes
- Pediatrician tested
- Free from: Fragrances, alcohol, bronopol, dyes, parabens and phthalates
- Gently cleanses
- For use on face, hands and bottom
- Made with naturally derived ingredients and purified water
- Also available in 9 pack, Sensitive and Fresh Scent
- Dispose of used wipes in trash receptacle; DO NOT FLUSH
- An Amazon brand
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