Ninja Ultra Prep Food Processor and Blender with Lightweight 700 Watt Power Pod for Dough, Smoothies, Chopping, Blending (PS101), Black/Clear

from: Ninja

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Ninja Ultra Prep Food Processor and Blender with Lightweight 700 Watt Power Pod for Dough,...
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description

  • Crush ice into delicious margaritas or chop veggies into salsa with the total crushing & power chopping blade.
  • Liquefy ingredients into your favorite smoothies, shakes, dips, and dressings with the high-speed blade.
  • Mix doughs and batters for main dishes and desserts with the dough blade.
  • 700-watt power Pod with an intuitive one-touch control button makes food and drink making simple. Push down on the power Pod to pulse or hold down to continuously run.
  • The Ninja Ultra prep blender and food processor is lightweight and compact, taking up less space than traditional kitchen systems, and making it easy to store and use.

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