Rosewill USB 3.0 Sharing Switch Box, 4 Port USB 3.0 Peripheral Switch Hub Adapter for 2 Computers to Share USB Devices, PC Select Controller w/ 70” Cable, 2 USB 3.0 Cables Included - RCUS-17003
from: Rosewill
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Rosewill USB 3.0 Sharing Switch Box, 4 Port USB 3.0 Peripheral Switch Hub Adapter for 2 Computers...
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description
- USB Device Sharing Switch Box supports 2 PC computers to have instant switching access to 4 USB devices and peripherals like flash drive, Bluetooth adapter, printer, card reader, mouse, keyboard and more. Ideal for shared small office, home office or business.
- Connect 4 USB devices to this Sharing Box via 4 x USB 3.0 ports (USB Type-A Female).
- Connect up to 2 Computers to this Sharing Box via 4 x USB 3.0 ports (USB Type-B Female) with speedy data transfer rates. Includes 2 x 47-inch USB 3.0 cables. LED lights on sharing box indicate which computer has access to all attached USB devices.
- With the press of a button on the PC Select Controller, connected computers can easily access USB devices. PC Select Button Controller features a 70-inch cable that connects to the sharing box for convenience.
- Simply plug and play USB Sharing Switch Box into USB-enabled computers. Compatible with Windows 10/8.1/8/7/XP, Mac OS X, Linux, Chrome OS. Charge mobile device, smart phone, tablet and more.
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Amazon List Price as of Dec 18, 2023 - 8:43PM PST |
$139.50 CAD |
Add CA tax | 13.0% | Final Estimate $157.64 CAD |
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