Paint by Numbers for Adults - Framed Canvas and Wooden Easel Stand - DIY Full Set of Assorted Color Oil Painting Kit and Brush Accessories - Soul Dancer 12”x16" Replica (Starry Night)
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Paint by Numbers for Adults - Framed Canvas and Wooden Easel Stand - DIY Full Set of Assorted...
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description
- 🎨FULL EXPERIENCE - Feel like a real artist. Find a nice spot and set up your Wooden Frame Canvas onto your full size Easel. Paint while looking straight ahead, instead of having to bend your neck towards a table.
- 👨👩👧SUITABLE FOR EVERYONE - Are you a beginner? A child? Teenager? Adult? Art lover? Age and skill level does not matter! If you can count, you can paint!
- 👁️🗨️SELF EXPLANATORY - The wooden frame has preprinted numbers that corresponds to the paint set. Each color paint is labelled with a number. Simply follow the numbers.
- 🖼️HANG IT UP - Keep your kids crafty side engaged. Relax and find your inner artiste while friends and/or family watch. Create a fun filled romantic date night. Regardless of your plans, display it on your wall with pride, or even keep it on the easel as decor.
- 🖌️EXTRA VALUE - We have added an EASEL to give the painter the total experience. Along with the stand, we have upgraded the amount of paint received. Instead of enough for a 12”x16” canvas, the amount added is enough for a 16”x20” canvas.
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