Philips Norelco Bodygroomer BG2039/42 - skin friendly, showerproof, beard and body trimmer and shaver


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Philips Norelco Bodygroomer BG2039/42 - skin friendly, showerproof, beard and body trimmer and...
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description

  • Dual-sided design lets you trim and shave (below the neck) with just one product
  • 3-D pivoting shaving head prevents nicks and cuts while capturing long and short hairs in a single stroke.
  • Built-in body trimming comb with 5 length settings comfortably glides over the skin while trimming even the thickest hair.
  • Water-resistant casing and materials. Use wet (in the shower) or dry.
  • Ergonomic design equipped with soft rubber side panels and buttons provide a secure, comfortable grip in both wet and dry conditions
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     as of Dec 9, 2023 - 1:40PM PST
$84.95 USD
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Add credit card foreign transaction fee  |  2.5% $93.06 USD
Convert $USD to $CAD  |  $1.4173 USD/CAD Final Estimate
$131.89 CAD

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