Bose SoundSport, Wireless Earbuds, (Sweatproof Bluetooth Headphones for Running and Sports), Black
from: Bose
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In this case we found the item:
Bose SoundSport, Wireless Earbuds, (Sweatproof Bluetooth Headphones for Running and Sports), Black
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description
- A high-quality audio experience, consistently balanced at any volume, thanks to Bose active EQ
- Wireless convenience, with easy Bluetooth and NFC pairing aided by voice prompts
- Exclusive Stay Hear Plus tips keep the headphones comfortably in place during workouts
- Sweat and weather resistance for reliability while exercising
- Charging time - 2 hours. Battery life - 6 hours per full charge
Amazon Canada Reviews
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Amazon USA Calculations
Used - best price | |
Amazon List Price as of Mar 27, 2024 - 11:24AM PDT |
$81.91 USD |
Add US tax | 6.875% | $87.54 USD |
Add credit card foreign transaction fee | 2.5% | $89.73 USD |
Convert $USD to $CAD | $1.3922 USD/CAD | Final Estimate $124.92 CAD |
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