Intex 85in PureSpa Portable Bubble Massage Spa Set

from: Intex

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In this case we found the item:
Intex 85in PureSpa Portable Bubble Massage Spa Set
wasn't available for sale on either Amazon site (Canada or US)

Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description

  • Seating capacity: 6 people
  • Built-in hard water system softens the water, making it more refreshing on your skin
  • Water capacity: 290 gallons; Water temperature range: 68-104 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Approximate inflated inner/outer diameter: 65” /85”, height: 28”
  • Includes: spa, insulated cover, heating/filtration/air blower/hard water system, two filter cartridges, thermal ground cloth, inflation hose, carry bag, floating chlorine dispenser, and 3-way test strips.Not recommended for use in freezing temperatures

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