Step2 856900 Lifestyle Custom Kitchen Playset
from: Step2
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Step2 856900 Lifestyle Custom Kitchen Playset
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description
- Special frying pan and boiling pot with lid activate electronic frying and boiling water sounds in stove's front burner
- Upscale, granite-look counter tops, decorative plate rack, storage shelf and sink with faucet
- "Stainless steel" oven, microwave and refrigerator enhance children's play and provide valuable storage space
- Recycle bin and pull-out drawer
- Includes 20-piece accessory set, no play food included
Amazon USA Calculations
New - best price | |
Amazon List Price as of Nov 15, 2023 - 3:05AM PST |
$117.99 USD |
Add US tax | 6.875% | $126.10 USD |
Add credit card foreign transaction fee | 2.5% | $129.25 USD |
Convert $USD to $CAD | $1.4181 USD/CAD | Final Estimate $183.30 CAD |
used | |
Amazon List Price as of Nov 15, 2023 - 3:05AM PST |
$115.28 USD |
Add US tax | 6.875% | $123.21 USD |
Add credit card foreign transaction fee | 2.5% | $126.29 USD |
Convert $USD to $CAD | $1.4181 USD/CAD | Final Estimate $179.09 CAD |
Amazon Canada Calculations
New | |
Amazon List Price as of Nov 15, 2023 - 3:05AM PST |
$220.99 CAD |
Add CA tax | 13.0% | Final Estimate $249.72 CAD |
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