Bose QuietComfort 25 Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones - Apple devices, Black - Wired - 715053-0010
from: Bose
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Bose QuietComfort 25 Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones - Apple devices, Black - Wired -...
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description
- Industry leading noise reduction for travel, work and anywhere in between. Do not place any stress or pull on the input cable. Doing so may shorten the life of your headset. Be sure the earcup ports are clear of lint, dust and debris. Do not allow moisture to get inside the earcups.
- Best-in-class sound with lifelike performance for the music you love
- Lightweight around-ear fit you can wear all day long. Dimensions/weight without the cable :Headphones:7.5" H x 6" W x 0.9" D (6.9 oz), Length of cable:56 in , Carrying case:8.25" H x 5.75" W x 2" D .
- Control your music and calls with inline mic/remote
- QC25 headphones are not Bluetooth enabled, but they can be used without a cable for noise cancellation
Amazon USA Calculations
Used - best price | |
Amazon List Price as of Mar 21, 2024 - 9:22PM PDT |
$114.96 USD |
Add US tax | 6.875% | $122.86 USD |
Add credit card foreign transaction fee | 2.5% | $125.94 USD |
Convert $USD to $CAD | $1.4167 USD/CAD | Final Estimate $178.41 CAD |
Amazon Canada Calculations
Used | |
Amazon List Price as of Mar 21, 2024 - 9:22PM PDT |
$283.99 CAD |
Add CA tax | 13.0% | Final Estimate $320.91 CAD |
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