Poo Pourri AMAZON-LV Preventive Bathroom Odor Spray 2 Piece Set, Includes 2 oz and 4 oz Bottle, Lavender Vanilla
from: Poo-Pourri
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Poo Pourri AMAZON-LV Preventive Bathroom Odor Spray 2 Piece Set, Includes 2 oz and 4 oz Bottle,...
wasn't available for sale on either Amazon site (Canada or US)
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Amazon.ca Product Description
- "Spritz the Bowl Before You Go and No One Else Will Ever Know! " A Warm, Fresh Blend of Lavender and Vanilla
- The ORIGINAL Before-You-Go Toilet Spray that stops bathroom odors before they begin. . . seriously!
- Scientifically-tested formula made of essential oils and other natural compounds; NO harsh chemicals; ALL stink-fighting good stuff!
- Made in the good ole USA
- Up to 100 uses in 2oz bottle; Up to 200 uses in 4oz bottle
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