KitchenAid KSM75SL Classic Plus 4.5-Qt. Tilt-Head Stand Mixer, Silver
from: KitchenAid
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KitchenAid KSM75SL Classic Plus 4.5-Qt. Tilt-Head Stand Mixer, Silver
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description
- Turn your stand mixer into a culinary center with over 10 available attachments; Electrical: 60 hertz
- Max WATTS 275. 4.5 quart stainless steel bowl with enough capacity to mix up to 6 dozen cookies, 3 loaves of bread or 6 pounds of mashed potatoes in a single batch.
- Soft start helps to avoid ingredient splash & flour puff by starting at a lower speed.
- Tilt-head design allows clear access to the bowl to easily add ingredients for a recipe. No bowl handle
- 10 optimized speeds powerful enough for nearly any task or recipe.Hub Cover:Non hinged
- KSM75SL Ksm75 includes (1) Coated flat beater, (1) Coated dough hook, (1) 6-wire whip
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