Digital Innovations CleanDr for Blu-Ray Laser Lens Cleaner for Blu-Ray / DVD / PS3 / PS4 / XBOX / XBOX 360 / XBOX ONE (4190300)
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Digital Innovations CleanDr for Blu-Ray Laser Lens Cleaner for Blu-Ray / DVD / PS3 / PS4 / XBOX /...
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description
- Fixes Blu-ray discs, ps3 games, Dvds and Cds that don't play, load slowly, skip or freeze during playback
- Cleaning the laser lens extends the life of the Blu-ray player, while improving image and sound quality
- Exclusive 10-brush cyclone clean process removes dust, dirt and debris from the laser lens
- Exclusive zero-clearance technology brush and pocket design is safe for all players
- Includes home theater sound calibration tools to help maintain ideal audio playback settings, with on-screen and voice instructions available in Eng, sp, Ger and Fr
- Exclusive 10-brush Cyclone Clean Process removes dust, dirt, and debris from the laser lens of Blu-ray players
- Cleaning the laser lens helps maintain the life of the device, as well as improve image and sound playback
- Compatible with all Blu-ray players
- Simply play disc and follow instructions in English, French, Spanish or German
- Includes Home Theater Image and Sound Calibration Tools
Amazon USA Calculations
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Amazon List Price as of Oct 8, 2023 - 10:39PM PDT |
$22.13 USD |
Add US tax | 6.875% | $23.65 USD |
Add credit card foreign transaction fee | 2.5% | $24.24 USD |
Convert $USD to $CAD | $1.3988 USD/CAD | Final Estimate $33.91 CAD |
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Amazon List Price as of Oct 8, 2023 - 10:39PM PDT |
$15.91 USD |
Add US tax | 6.875% | $17.00 USD |
Add credit card foreign transaction fee | 2.5% | $17.43 USD |
Convert $USD to $CAD | $1.3988 USD/CAD | Final Estimate $24.38 CAD |
Amazon Canada Calculations
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Amazon List Price as of Oct 8, 2023 - 10:39PM PDT |
$34.59 CAD |
Add CA tax | 13.0% | Final Estimate $39.09 CAD |
used | |
Amazon List Price as of Oct 8, 2023 - 10:39PM PDT |
$26.48 CAD |
Add CA tax | 13.0% | Final Estimate $29.92 CAD |
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