Vaseline Petroleum Jelly baby cream prevents chaffed skin & Pure hypoallergenic and gentle on skin 375 g
from: Vaseline
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Vaseline Petroleum Jelly baby cream prevents chaffed skin & Pure hypoallergenic and gentle on...
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description
- Vaseline Baby Petroleum Jelly locks in moisture to help treat and protect your baby's delicate skin
- This baby cream relieves irritations to soothe your baby’s skin and restore softness
- Vaseline's healing jelly for babies forms a protective barrier to keep out wetness and prevent chafing, rawness and rough skin
- Made with triple-purified petroleum jelly, this baby moisturizer boasts a light baby powder fragrance
- Gentle on skin, Vaseline Healing Jelly and baby lotion is pediatrician tested and non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog pores or irritate your baby's skin
- Suitable for daily use, Vaseline offers skincare and baby care products that support and protect the health of your baby's skin, and yours
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Amazon List Price as of Mar 27, 2024 - 11:31PM PDT |
$14.25 CAD |
Add CA tax | 13.0% | Final Estimate $16.10 CAD |
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