KitchenAid KP26M1XER Professional 600 Series 6-Quart Bowl-Lift Stand Mixer, Empire Red
from: KitchenAid
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KitchenAid KP26M1XER Professional 600 Series 6-Quart Bowl-Lift Stand Mixer, Empire Red
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description
- 10 different attachments
- 6-quart stainless steel bowl with comfortable handle
- Bowl-lift design
- 10 different speeds, powerful enough for any task or recipe
- Includes: burnished flat beater, power knead spiral dough hook, wire whip.Electrical:60 Hz
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Amazon List Price as of Nov 22, 2023 - 5:18AM PST |
$494.03 CAD |
Add CA tax | 13.0% | Final Estimate $558.25 CAD |
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