Prince Lionheart Ever-Fresh Wipe Warmer Replacement Pillows for Ultimate Baby Wipe Warmer That Keeps Baby Wipes Warmer Fresh, Prevents Discoloration or Drying Out Of Baby Wipes - 2 Pack

from: Prince Lionheart

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Prince Lionheart Ever-Fresh Wipe Warmer Replacement Pillows for Ultimate Baby Wipe Warmer That...
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description

  • The EVER-FRESH pillow consists of billions of tiny chambers that, once saturated with water, maintain the moisture of the wipes without allowing anything undesirable to grow in the warm, moist environment.
  • As the pillow is warmed, water vapor and the safe ingredient molecules are slowly released into the wipes chamber keeping the wipes warm, moist, fresh, and clean.
  • Prince Lionheart Wipes Warmers' specially-designed heating elements and integrated thermostats ensure consistent warmth from the bottom to the top wipe. Most competition warms top down which dries out the top few wipes and never warms the bottom ones.
  • The EVER-FRESH System keeps wipes moist by an evaporation and condensation process. Highly dense micropores in the Pillow trap and release water as needed to maintain moisture.
  • Both the Wipes Warmer Tub and the EVER-FRESH Pillow are treated with an ingredient that inhibits the growth of uninvited harmful living things inside the wipes warmer. We recommend replacing the Pillow every 3 months to maximize freshness.
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     as of Mar 22, 2024 - 1:13PM PDT
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     as of Mar 22, 2024 - 1:13PM PDT
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