HotHands Hand Warmers - Long Lasting Natural Odorless Air Activated Warmers - Up to 10 Hours of Heat - 40 Pair

from: HotHands

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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description

  • SAFE, NATURAL LONG-LASTING HEAT - Odorless, Disposable, Single-Use Item, Do Not Apply Directly to The Skin. TSA Approved. Made in the USA using domestic and imported materials. No shaking or kneading required
  • TO ACTIVATE - Remove warmer from outer package, shake to activate. Warmer heats up in 15-30 minutes. If heat decreases, expose warmer to air and shake. After use, dispose with regular garbage. Ingredients will not harm the environment.
  • MULTIPURPOSE WARMERS - Single use air-activated heat packs that provide everyday warmth and are ideal for keeping your body warm when the temperature gets cold. They’re available in several styles designed for your hands, feet, and body.
  • WHEN TO USE: Tailgating at Events, Outdoor Sporting Events, Hunting & Fishing, Camping & Hiking, Working in The Yard, Jogging or Taking Your Pet for A Walk. Convenient, Compact, Portable. Ultra-Thin, Adhesive Backing
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     as of Nov 22, 2023 - 1:43AM PST
$26.78 USD
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$39.95 CAD
Amazon List Price
     as of Nov 22, 2023 - 1:43AM PST
$25.61 USD
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$38.21 CAD

Amazon Canada Calculations

Amazon List Price
     as of Nov 22, 2023 - 1:43AM PST
$45.00 CAD
Add CA tax  |  13.0% Final Estimate
$50.85 CAD

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