Crayola Model Magic - White (1oz), 75 Count, Bulk Clay, Air Dry Modeling Clay For Kids, Art Supplies, Kids Easter Basket Stuffers
from: Crayola
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Crayola Model Magic - White (1oz), 75 Count, Bulk Clay, Air Dry Modeling Clay For Kids, Art...
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Check out the Amazon Reviews and Price Comparisons Product Description
- CRAYOLA MODEL MAGIC CLAY: Bulk Crayola Model Magic is the perfect tool for inspiring your child's imagination, and with 75 (1 oz) pouches, this set is perfect for classrooms or large art projects
- AIR DRYING: No need for baking or firing, this modeling clay air dries for easy use anywhere
- TACTILE ART: Help children develop fine motor skills through sculpting, molding, and modeling
- LIGHTWEIGHT AND SOFT: The soft, spongy texture makes it easy to shape and mold into any design
- EASY TO SHAPE: From simple shapes to intricate designs, the soft texture of this modeling clay makes it easy to shape and mold into any design
- GREAT FOR GROUP PROJECTS: Ideal for teachers and parents looking for bulk art supplies for classrooms or large art projects, this modeling clay comes in a variety of convenient sizes
- SAFE AND NON-TOXIC: This modeling clay is safe for children and easy to clean up
Amazon USA Calculations
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Amazon List Price as of Mar 13, 2024 - 4:41PM PDT |
$46.49 USD |
Add US tax | 6.875% | $49.69 USD |
Add credit card foreign transaction fee | 2.5% | $50.93 USD |
Convert $USD to $CAD | $1.3621 USD/CAD | Final Estimate $69.37 CAD |
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Amazon List Price as of Mar 13, 2024 - 4:41PM PDT |
$40.41 USD |
Add US tax | 6.875% | $43.19 USD |
Add credit card foreign transaction fee | 2.5% | $44.27 USD |
Convert $USD to $CAD | $1.3621 USD/CAD | Final Estimate $60.30 CAD |
Amazon Canada Calculations
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Amazon List Price as of Mar 13, 2024 - 4:41PM PDT |
$114.23 CAD |
Add CA tax | 13.0% | Final Estimate $129.08 CAD |
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